Објављена нова књига др Биљане Мицков – „Future of culture”
У издању Културног центра Војводине „Милош Црњански” управо је из штампе изашла нова књига др Биљане Мицков „Future of culture” на енглеском језику, као проширено издање прошлогодишњег зборника „Будућност културе”.
„The collection of works The Future of Culture thematizes culture as one of the most important, yet often unjustifiably neglected issues of global modernity. Between the covers of the book are collected thirteen contributions whose authors, from the country and abroad, come from various scientific and artistic fields and combine the academic study of culture with the practice of cultural policy and management. Relevant modern theoretical approaches, as well as a multitude of concrete examples from different parts of the world, from which important lessons can be drawn and on the basis of which practical suggestions can be formulated, are comprehensively presented. In the book, the state of culture is viewed in a global framework and, through the experiences of a whole series of countries that are presented in the chapters, the local-global relationship is considered in a fruitful way and shows how, in the field of culture as in others, there is no one universal model of development, but that we can learn a lot from each other. Culture, after all, has always been primarily a field of communication and exchange.”
Ivana Spasić, PhD, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Philosophy